Project date: 23/08/2016

Type: Lecture, Research

Location: North West England

Clients Associated team members:


Associated documents: n/a


View the URBED Trust feature page here

And the 4×4 official website with videos here

2016 saw us take a deeper look at the city and ask the big questions of our built environment. We invited 16 speakers to explore society and the built environment through the themes of Money, Love, War & Peace, and Freedom. Our speakers and audience debate took us beneath the surface of our day to day practice to explore the motivations and meaning behind what we do.

4×4 Manchester 2016 was hosted by Bob Phillips, director of BPUD and Lecturer in Planning and Urban Design at The University of Manchester.


Flora Samuel/Morag Rose/Steve Connor/Michael Martin


Mick Timpson/Emily Crompton/Sophia de Sousa/Robert Powell


Sue Manley/Cany Ash/Paul Bower/ Kim Cooper & Douglas Smith


Graham Marshall/David Rudlin/Michael Riebel/Lucy Montague