What is 4×4?


4×4 Manchester is a series of talks centered around a range of varying topics each year. 4 speakers speak for 15 minutes each on their topic, after which the audience is invited to enagage in a lively debate. 2016 saw ‘The Big Questions’ asked, with events looking at the urban environment through the lens of Money, Love, War, and Freedom, as we took a soul searching look at the city..

4×4 Manchester wants to challenge how you think about your discipline be that architecture, art, music, urban design, planning etc etc. This will not be architects talking about their new buildings or an author promoting their new book; 4×4 wants to promote a real debate about the state of our cities, stimulated by  interesting, diverse and provocative speakers

A 4×4 special – a focus on the housing crisis by Danny Dorling

This exciting one off event looked at the current housing crisis in the UK. This is a topic that has been covered extensively in various reports and articles but we wanted to give it the 4×4 treatment. We brought together different perspectives, took a fresh look at the issues and provoked a lively and engaging debate!

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