David is a freelance planning and development consultant with extensive experience of the London and South East land and development markets. He has a MA from Oxford University, a Post Graduate Diploma in Planning & Development from South Bank University and qualified as MRICS at Reading University. He has completed an RICS Academy Certificate in Sustainability for Real Estate Investment and Prince 2 Project Management Foundation Course.
Over three decades David has pioneered open market, affordable housing and mixed use projects for major land led RP developers like Peabody, Catalyst and Southern Housing and at Network Rail Property. He has developed project teams to evaluate and report on land led projects for corporate and planning policy compliance, design objectives, cost and financial viability (most recently as Head of Land & Planning at Southern Housing Trust).
With a wide knowledge of the property sector, outside planning & development, he was an early pioneer for the promotion of Key Worker homes and Live Work affordable housing in partnership with the GLA, the LLDC, the Live Work Network and the East London Business Centre (Report, Homes That Work, Housing Corporation/Peabody, 2003), supporting start up companies, with purpose built work space adjacent to living space – well before Covid.
He has led land and planning negotiations on large scale projects (for Network Rail of 1.2 million square feet of residential and commercial on 10 acres at Cambridge Station) and teams to deliver major land led development programmes and complex land transactions with major institutions like British Land, Health Authorities and Rail Companies.
He has worked as a Freelance Consultant with Nick Falk at Urbed Consultancy, with Stephen Hill at C20 Future Planners, and the Housing Forum for seminars & strategies for overcoming land, development and infrastructure hurdles to large-scale projects.

The URBED Trust is a not for profit company with charitable aims set up to promote research into the future of urban areas, and to disseminate best practice. Registered England & Wales, company number 01826806.
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