Re/Shaping London
Unlocking Sustainable Growth in West London and Beyond
The Report
The Authors
Nicholas Falk
Dr Nicholas Falk is an economist and urbanist, and founded the research and consultancy group URBED in 1976, as well as being a founding trustee of the URBED Trust. He has undertaken studies for the Greater London Authority, including a toolkit for making London’s suburbs more sustainable. He won the 2014 Wolfson Economics Prize with David Rudlin for showing how to build new garden cities that are visionary, viable and popular. URBED now specialises in masterplanning and urban design, and examples in London include an award winning housing scheme at Brentford Lock for ISIS.

Jonathan Manns
Jonathan Manns is an urbanist. He is Head of Regeneration and Director of Planning at Colliers International. He is Convenor of the APPG on London’s Planning and Built Environment and a Trustee of the London Society. A chartered planner and surveyor, he advises various public- and privatesector clients on major development proposals; including tall buildings, large-scale regeneration and strategic housing schemes. He is an expert adviser to various organisations and institutions internationally; counselling, speaking and writing for public and professional audiences in the UK, Europe, Asia and the USA.

Learn more about the London Society…
The London Society has produced two former white papers – find them here and learn about what else the London Society is doing.

The URBED Trust is a not for profit company with charitable aims set up to promote research into the future of urban areas, and to disseminate best practice. Registered England & Wales, company number 01826806.
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